Power relationship battles are all too typical. Even in the best relationships there is a balance of power. The more even the balance of power is, the much better the relationship. If one person has essentially all the power that creates an extremely unhealthy vibrant and it must be changed or the relationship needs to be ended.

As uneasy as it may be to admit, the balance of power in any relationship generally focuses on who has the money. , if one person contributes more economically to the relationship in most cases they will be the one with the most power.. The other person is typically extremely hesitant to disagree or argue with the ‘powerful’ individual.

Given that a genuinely healthy and great relationship needs to be more of an even partnership, this mis-match in power is hardly ever conducive to a great, healthy, steady relationship.

Just in unusual (and I mean incredibly unusual, provided human nature) cases where the person who has the money doesn’t need to ‘use’ their power, can this type of dynamic work well for both parties.

Most of the time it’s simply not good for someone in the relationship to feel like they ‘owe’ the other person something. It’s far too easy to end up being a door mat because kind of scenario.

It will take a lot of maturity for both celebrations to prevent falling under this trap. You both have to be on the same page in regards to the method you see the relationship. It’s usually best if you talk with each other and discuss problems before heading out and making a huge decision or a huge purchase.

If one of you gets used a brand-new job in another town, you owe it to your partner to talk to them about it. This is even more essential if your partner has a job that they like or a flourishing career.

Most of us intuitively understand these things and understand that every relationship does have some balance of power. What many of us do not do is to consider it in regards to our own relationships. In order to develop a balance of power that works for both of you, you both need to actively mold your relationship.

From the start, develop the type of relationship where both of your viewpoints matter, where the two of you talk about things in a mature way and come to a contract, or at least a compromise. It’s constantly best to do that from the beginning considering that it’s much more difficult to change a dynamic once it’s been set up.

Couples who don’t have a good handle of the power relationship struggles in their relationship are headed for difficulty. The closer to a 50/50 split in the dynamic of a relationship you can get the smoother and more comfortable the relationship is.
